Traditionally, digital task management systems such as TO-DO lists are pretty common nowadays. In this application, a novel idea of time as well as geographic location base task management system is proposed.
Many useful tasks can be performed. Suppose that user has entered a task that he has to perform something at a particular place in the city at some particular date/time. If the user is near that place, or en-route to that place at any date/time, the system can remind the user of that task. We have replaced the static non-intelligent to-do list with a more interactive and intelligent version which can ease life for busy users.
Quick guide:
1) Add task:
-To add a task, click on the plus (+) button on the top of screen and simply enter the task data.
-To add location of the task,swipe to the map tab and long click (keep pressing on the screen for a moment) the location of the task on the map.
- Click on the tick button on the top of screen to save the task.
2) Update task:
-To update a task, click on the task on the main screen and follow the above step.
3) Delete task:
-To Delete task in main screen, long click on a task, the delete dialog will appear. Press Ok to delete the task.
-To delete a task in update screen, click on the task on the main screen and then click on the delete button on the top of the screen.
4) Change task completeness:
-To change the completeness of a task, click on the check box of the task on the main screen.</br>